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Vision, Virtues, Values and Ethos

Our vision

At St Augustine's, we continuously strive to be the very best version of ourselves. 

We are inspired to be the very best version of ourselves: inspired by our Catholic faith and the example Jesus set; inspired by the story of "The Forgiving Father"; inspired by each other; inspired by our curriculum and beautiful building, grounds and views.


The 'very best version' means aiming to be 'me on a great day' in every way - from living out our virtues and values, to being the best learners, playmates, role models we can be.  It means we think carefully about what it means to lead a good life and how this impacts on the way we act and the difference we make to the world.

We believe that every individual is of unique and infinite worth, created in God's image. We value each precious individual for who they are and we celebrate our differences. No person is better, more important or more valuable than another. We love ourselves and each other.

Our virtues, values and ethos

As a Catholic School, our school virtues and values are derived from the Gospel and the teachings of Christ.  These permeate all aspects of life at our school for every member of the school community.  The following virtues and values, which were chosen by the whole school community, guide and underpin all our relationships, actions and decisions.

Our school-wide virtues and values include thankfulness, compassion, courage, forgiveness and perseverance. At the heart of everything we do is love.



"In Omnia Caritas: In All Things Love"