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At St Augustine’s our Geography curriculum is designed to inspire a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world. Rooted in our values of Believe, Belong, Be Brilliant, we empower our students to explore a variety of cultures, environments, and communities, fostering a deep respect for the planet and its people. 

  • Believe: We nurture confidence in every child’s ability to make a positive impact on the world. Through engaging lessons, we inspire students to believe in their potential as global citizens and future changemakers. 

  • Belong: Geography helps students connect to their local community and understand their place in the wider world. By exploring different perspectives, they develop empathy and a sense of belonging to a global family. 

  • Be Brilliant: We encourage excellence and critical thinking, equipping children with the knowledge and skills to address real-world challenges, from environmental sustainability such as deforestation, with brilliance and creativity. 

Geography is taught in focused blocks across three terms of the year, allowing students to immerse themselves deeply in each topic. The curriculum is carefully designed to link with other subject areas such as history, science, and RE, providing a rich, interdisciplinary learning experience. Lessons are inclusive of all abilities, taking into account different starting points to ensure every child is supported and challenged appropriately. 
Our local area is a vital resource in bringing geography to life. Across all year groups, students have opportunities to leave the classroom and explore their surroundings, including visits to Brockhill Park, the town centre, and the beach. These hands-on experiences enrich learning, making geography relevant and engaging while fostering a sense of connection to the community and environment. 

We measure the impact of our geography curriculum through pupil voice, enabling students to share their understanding and experiences, and by evaluating the quality of work in their books. As children progress through the school, they develop a deep knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of their local area and its place within a wider geographical context. School trips provide further opportunities for relevant and contextual learning, ensuring children leave St Augustine’s with the skills and curiosity needed to explore and care for the world around them.