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At St Augustine's, we want every child to have an active lifestyle. We often take our learning outside the classroom, and every child in Year R, 1, 2 and 3 have a dedicated Forest school session, led by our experienced Forest School Leader.

We believe that access to movement is a child's fundamental right and at St Augustine's we strive to provide as many opportunities as possible for children to experience movement in all its forms. Through Shepway Sports Trust, children are able to participate in a wide range of sporting events, workshops and competitions, both on site and at sporting venues in the area. We aim to ensure that children don't just experience traditional sports, but that they also have the chance to experience out of the ordinary sports, from bell boating to skateboarding.

Sport at St Augustine's doesn't end at 3pm. Staff and parent volunteers run other after school clubs and activities including netball and football. We also have a very successful, league-winning Boys Football Team, a Girls' Football training squad (both coached by a pair of dedicated parents) and a netball team (coached by two fantastic members of staff). If you have a passion for a sport and feel like you could run a weekly sports session, please email the school office for more details on making this a reality!


Our teachers use PE Passport as our dedicated PE scheme. The scheme ensures all children have access to progressive skills in a wide range of sports as well as enabling them to develop physically, cognitively, socially and emotionally.


Intent, Implementation, Impact


Out intent for PE is driven by the aim that all children will achieve the aims of the national curriculum through a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum. Staff adapt plans to meet the needs of individuals and groups and revisit knowledge and skills to embed these. Our intent is to support children to develop physical, cognitive, social and emotional skills required to progress through the curriculum from Reception to Year 6. Children are taught both skills and knowledge, with ample opportunity to apply their learning. We aim to provide children with experience of traditional and ‘new’ sport and ensure children have ample opportunity to learn the skills required before entering events and competitions to support success and appropriate challenges.


All children receive 2 hours of high-quality Physical Education each week (through both specifically taught PE sessions or through Forest School sessions), regardless of the weather or other external factors. We are committed to ensuring all children are active for 60 minutes during the school day through enhanced playtime resources, intra-school competitions and events and access to workshops, events and competitions throughout the year. Children in Years 1 to 6 come to school in their PE kit to maximise time for activity sessions.  A range of teaching styles and strategies are employed to deliver the curriculum and keep learning fresh and exciting. 


Year 2023 - 2024.

  • Our sports day was changed and adapted to better accommodate the needs of SEND children and children that don't enjoy direct competition. The day was arranged into two distinct parts, a carousel of sporting activities in which children earned points for their House Team and competitive races which the children were able to opt in or out of. The day was a great success with a great many parents and children making positive comments about the new system.
  • For the first time, we entered a girls' football team into the Shepway Herald Cup league and this year the girls (although not in the league this year) are continuing to train and improve weekly.
  • For the first time in the school's history, our boys' football team WON the Herald Cup!
  • Children across the school were able to experience a wide range of sports through in-house workshops. For example: skateboarding, balance bike riding, hockey, medical fitness, gymnastics, volleyball and golf.
  • Access to these workshops accompanied by taught PE sessions led us to win a range of competitions, including hockey and netball. We also took part in a bell boat race along the canal, in which we came first.
  • Children are more confident with the rules and skills needed to take part in a range of sporting events.